About the Project
Golf courses maintain the highest quality grass surfaces possible. Doing this does require the use of specialized fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides which can be hazardous materials. Which is why the Island Club in Marco Island Florida selected our company to provide a safe, code compliant enclosure for their facility.
The Club sits directly on top of the water aquifer, so being able to prevent and control any possible leaks was extremely important. The unit incorporated a secondary spill sump to catch any potential leakage. Some of these chemicals are also flammable, therefore, the fire rated enclosure ensures that the chemicals stored inside are separated form any fire threat. Worker safety is also very important, so special explosion proof ventilation fans are incorporated to eliminate any harmful fumes in the container.
Another challenge was that the final resting place for the unit would be tricky to negotiate, as it was to be placed under an existing canopy. The hazmat storage building was delivered on a flatbed truck and offloaded by a crane. From there, it was put on “skates”, small dollies specially designed to handle the heavy load. The building was then, skated into place using a large forklift and finally, lowered onto the concrete pad.
The Island Club is now well protected against issues regarding storage of these hazardous materials. They can focus on maintaining the best grass around for the enjoyment of their discerning golfing members.